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Dunelmia - a general history

Owners: 1929 Metcalfe Shipping Co Ltd, West Hartlepool: 1951 Westralian Farmers Transport Co, London-renamed Swan River: 1955 Naviera Universo SA, Panama–renamed Nido: 1958 Antonio Garcia, Munte-Nuno, Barcelona

Lives lost 16 June 1945 on Dunelmia:

 MacDonald, Colin John, carpenter, 45, Sheffield; Wilson, Edward Geekie, 2nd engineer.

Voyages: from the Tyne in February 1932 bound for Dover, Gibraltar, Oran, Buenos Aires & Rosario; from Barry in April 1933 bound for Buenos Aires, Bahia Blanca, Las Palmas & Hamburg; from the Tyne in April 1934 bound for Gibraltar, Oran, Buenos Aires & Rosario.


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