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Sailing Day on the May Gosling

Memories of a day's sailing, as recalled by John Robinson.
"When visiting England in September of 1983, my brother Jim (who still lives in Hartlepool, now in late 80’s with failing memories) invited me to go sailing with him and his friend Ken, both members of the Tees Sailing Club. Jim’s boat (the May Gosling), was kept in the old Graving dock attached to the old Richardson Westgarth yard. It was blowing pretty hard with choppy waves and once we were in the open sea outside the piers, Jim and Ken put up half a sail and handed me the tiller. I had never sailed before and they just sat back in the well having a glass of sherry and told me what to do. From the attached story which Jim related to me a few years ago for our family history, you will see that he was a very experienced sailor and the boat was very seaworthy and stable.

Jim, was a Mine Mechanic living in Trimdon when he got interested in sailing. Shortly after developing this interest, he and his wife Doris moved to West Hartlepool and had a nursery school near the Grantully Maternity Hospital. Can’t remember Ken’s last name but remember he had a Dry Cleaning Business in Billingham."

John Robinson, February 2014.

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